Thirsty 12 - Planting Seeds of Faith, Hope and Love in the County Jail

Thirsty 12 is an ongoing initiative to actively recruit passionate and thirsty men and women who are eager and willing to share God's Word with inmates at local jail ministries throughout the country. Although my goal is one person a month thus the title "Thirsty 12", my ultimate goal is to have men and women volunteering at a jail ministry in each of the 50 states. To God be all the glory and honor!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

How it all got started

Five years ago I made a goal at the beginning of the year to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with just one person.  In addition, I wanted to be involved in actively leading someone to Christ.  Being able to witness a planted seed of faith, hope and love sprout into a brand new Christian was something I had a strong desire to accomplish for the Lord.  It might not sound like a huge goal to accomplish for some; however, it would be interesting to know just how many people reading this book would find that goal a daunting task.  I wonder what words come to your mind when thinking of sharing your faith in Christ with family members, co-workers, friends or even strangers.  Let’s take it a step further and add inmates at the local county jail.     
            Not long after making that initial goal at the beginning of the year, a person by the name of Harold Ross at Friendly Avenue Baptist Church invited me to become a part of the Greensboro Jail Ministry.  As I contemplated signing up to visit inmates for one hour on the first Saturday of each month, I had no idea of the significant impact this decision would have on my life.  This ministry has been an invaluable training ground for sharing the Gospel of Christ and has given me a boldness for Christ I never could have imagined.
            Lives are being changed at the Greensboro County Jail at a rate that is difficult to comprehend.  When an inmate witnesses the faith in Christ, hope in eternal salvation and love in your heart that drives you to visit them to share God’s perfect Word, it is enough to put a smile on the face of any inmate.  Since 2006, this ministry through Friendly Avenue Baptist Church has visited 1,001 inmates and 278 of those inmates have made first time decisions to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.  That is a conversion rate of 28%.  To God be all the glory and honor!
            It has been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  I have to confess it is going to be difficult to adequately describe the full array of emotions and feelings that are expressed and displayed during a ministry visit.  It is just not possible to put into words what it is like to see inmates with real tears in their eyes or smiles bright enough to light up a dark room.  If I can only give you a glimpse of the impact you can have by simply sharing the Bible with inmates, my mission will be accomplished.
            It is estimated that there are over 2.2 million people incarcerated in the United States, which is more than any other country in the world.  The U.S. prison population has doubled since 1990.  Every year over 600,000 inmates get out of jail.  What is going to prevent them from going back?  I really believe that if their hearts are truly changed through Christ, their head will follow.  Proverbs 27:19 says, “As in water face reflects face, So a man’s heart reveals the man.”        
According to the March 2010 issue of Jubilee, the Newsletter of Prison Fellowship, “the U.S. Department of Justice reports there are more than 1.7 million children with a mother, father, or both in prison.  Some reports indicate that as many as 7 in 10 of these children may follow in their parents’ footsteps and end up behind bars themselves.”  What a sad and disheartening statistic.  Imagine the impact a released father or mother from prison can have on their family if the love of Christ is in their heart.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”            
            In the summer of 2012 a new jail with 1,032 beds will be built in downtown Greensboro.  The need for volunteers will triple due to the current jail being only a 397 bed facility.  I pray as you read this book your heart will be stirred to volunteer through your local jail ministry and support it financially.  For those behind bars I pray they feel the faith, hope and love of Christ through these seven visits and understand it is always only a prayer away.  In the words of my son, “let’s go on an adventure.”  Countless change awaits not only the inmates behind bars but also the one making the visits.


Chapter 1: Outside Looking In: Memorable First Visit

Fact: There are estimated to be well over 2,200,000 people incarcerated in the United States. 

I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.
                                                                                      - MATTHEW 25:36

The answer to criminality is not recreation, education, or legislation; it is Jesus Christ.  If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.
                                                                                      - VANCE HAVNER

As I prepared to write this and tracked down my first ministry visit to the Greensboro jail, I was pleasantly surprised to discover this exciting ministry experience started over five years ago.  Over 50 visits have been made to the county jail since my first visit in March 2005.  Although many visits have come and gone while driving over 1,000 miles to and from the jail, my fondest memories have always been of that first visit. 
I honestly didn’t know exactly what to expect on my first trip to the county jail.  I had never been in a jail before and my only exposure to a jail setting during my lifetime had been from watching “The Andy Griffith Show” and “Cops.”  I can still see Otis sitting in a bunk behind bars as Andy and Barney Fife sat at their desks.    
As I drove down Eugene Street in downtown Greensboro on a Saturday morning, for some reason I imagined the jail being surrounded by barbed wire fences.  Perhaps it was because there were criminals locked up for a variety of reasons that could range from unpaid child support to armed robbery or even murder.  Surely this jail wouldn’t look like every other building in Greensboro.  Boy was I wrong!  After circling what I suspected to be the county jail several times, I arrived 10 minutes past the 9 am start time.  The jail ministry team had already gone up to the open floors for visitation.
Due to arriving late, I decided to leave a message for my assigned partner, Harold Ross, with the jail attendant at the check-in window.  The jail attendant asked for my name and after finding it on the approved list of visitors, to my surprise, buzzed open the door after taking my drivers license.  Once I signed the visitation list and walked through a metal detector, another door was buzzed for me to walk through.  This was quickly turning into an adventure I knew I wouldn’t soon forget.
Every door that I walked through was locked automatically behind me and I suddenly started to feel a little claustrophobic.  The next door to walk through was a locked fence opened with a key and then it was into a freight elevator.  As I stepped inside this large and dreary freight elevator, the detention officer riding with me asked which floor I wanted to visit.  I proceeded to tell him I was looking for Harold Ross so we stopped at each floor and I peaked out to look down the corridor to see if I saw him.  After we arrived at the third floor, I saw Harold and my first visit to the jail was underway.
Now before your hands start getting sweaty and your knees feel weak, let me calm your nerves.  New members of the Greensboro Jail Ministry currently meet with the chaplain of the jail prior to their first visit for a walk through and to go over the rules of visitation.  It is also helpful to know that you must be at least 21 years old to volunteer.  If you do not belong to a church with a jail ministry, a letter of recommendation is needed from the pastor of the church you attend.  If you have a strong desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those in desperate need, I firmly believe there is no finer training ground than visiting your local jail.  
The details of that first visit to the third floor have always been a little fuzzy.  I can’t remember for the life of me how many inmates came out that Saturday morning, the prayer requests and praises spoken, the exact Scripture shared or even if anyone professed Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior.  What I do remember is how receptive those inmates were to hearing God’s Word.  It was as if they were hanging on to every word spoken.  Their attention during the course of that hour was both surprising and refreshing.  These inmates were coming to worship God in their orange jumpsuits and sandals on a Saturday morning with the sole purpose of learning from God’s Word.  There appeared to be a sincere desire to grow in their relationship with Christ.
You have to keep in mind that these are individuals who have had everything taken away.  They are confined to a small, overcrowded space with many other inmates and are no longer on their own schedule.  You often hear a jail referred to as “the devil’s playground” but it is also a place of intense soul searching.  With a lot of time on their hands and a Bible in their lap, God can work miracles in the life of inmates.
Ever since my first visit to the county jail, I’m often reminded of Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  Regardless of whether or not you are behind bars, everyone has fallen short of God’s perfection.  There are obviously different consequences on Earth for the sins you commit; however, when you stumble and fall, do you stay down or get back up?  Do you keep fighting for what you believe in?  Do you recognize the true source of your inner strength?
These questions not only pertain to inmates, but also to the volunteers.  They are relevant to everyone God has created.  If you want to be blown away by the love God has for us, I dare you to share 1 John 1:9 with an inmate.  It says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  I wonder if you believe those words today.  Notice it doesn’t say He will forgive and cleanse us from some unrighteousness or most unrighteousness.  Praise God it says all unrighteousness!    
Imagine the hope given to an inmate when they are told for the first time in their life that if they receive Christ into their heart and confess their sins, they will be forgiven of all.  I would bet a hefty sum that they feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted from their shoulders.  The smiles that often follow are so warm and inviting they could melt an iceberg.  That is the power of God sending His only Son to die on the cross for our sins.  He alone has the power to transform and renew lives that are stale and heading in the wrong direction.  Luke 1:37 says “For with God nothing will be impossible.”                   
What do you think would happen if we were to look at inmates through the eyes of Christ?  I would venture to say any ill feelings for the crimes committed would turn into compassion for their lost souls.  Instead of being focused on how they got there, maybe we would ask ourselves if they have found the only person who can forever change their lives.  Do they really know Christ?  Has anyone ever taken the time to simply ask them if Jesus is the Lord of their life?  What kind of impact could they have on their family and friends if they left the jail a new creation in Christ?
  Just like the thieves on the cross that were hanging to the right and left of Jesus, everyone has the opportunity to either accept or deny Christ.  Prior to Jesus making the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, the one criminal said “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us” (Luke 23:39).  He was immediately reprimanded by the other criminal for not showing any respect to the Son of God.  The other criminal recognized he was being punished for the sins he had committed and said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom” (Luke 23:42).  Jesus then replied, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).  Those must have been the most encouraging, promising and soothing words that criminal had ever heard.  He was given the same chance as the other criminal and made the right decision.  That story is a constant reminder of Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”               
Through jail ministry visits God sometimes speaks to inmates individually in ways you would have to see to fully understand and appreciate.  There are moments that simply take your breath away.  I hope to capture and share some of those precious moments with you throughout the course of this book.
As I left the county jail after that first visit, there was a new appreciation for the freedom and liberties I enjoy everyday.  All those doors locked upon entering were unlocked upon exiting.  I noticed the sweet smell of the air outside, the birds chirping in the distance and felt the warm rays of sun on my face.  As I got into my car I somehow knew this small step of faith to share God’s Word with inmates was going to have a lasting impact on my life.  A prayer was about to be answered that would rock my world and intensify my passion for the Great Commission.

Discussion Questions

1)   Have you ever had a family member or friend spend time in jail?  If so, how would it make you feel if someone visited them to share God’s Word?

2)   When thinking of Romans 3:23, does it give you a different perspective of being separated from inmates behind bars knowing everyone has fallen short of God’s standard of perfection?  Who do you measure yourself against?  Is it people you know or the Son of God?

3)   Do you believe all sins can be forgiven by God except denying Christ as your Lord and Savior?  If you said no, does reading 1 John 1:9 change your response?

4)   Do you believe everyone has the same opportunity to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior?  What does John 3:17 tell us about who Jesus came to save?

5)   When reflecting on 2 Corinthians 5:17, if you have received Christ as your Lord and Savior, is there a visible difference in the way you have lived your life after making that decision?     


Chapter 2: Being Called into Action like Moses

Fact: The U.S. prison population has doubled since 1990 and is by far the world’s largest.

Like a bird that wanders from its nest
Is a man who wanders from his place.
                                                                                                                                                                                 - PROVERBS 27:8

We must stir up the gift of God.  Like sugar in the lemonade, it may be there but it needs to be set in motion.
                                                                                                                                                                    - VANCE HAVNER
One visit to the Greensboro County Jail was all it took for me to want to go back again and again.  Witnessing the power of forgiveness through Christ’s shed blood behind those bars reminded me that the ground is level at the foot of the cross.  Salvation is not reserved for those of a certain race, income or family lineage.  It is meant for all who are willing to come to Jesus just as they are and receive Him into their hearts and lives by leaving the past behind and focusing on the present of the present.
    The next several visits to the jail were shared with Harold as I observed the format of each hour and learned how to effectively lead inmates to Christ.  It is a humbling experience when the detention officers go to the various cell blocks to see if anyone wants to come to church.  It is an opportunity for inmates to worship God.  He has placed you on that floor to lead and direct an hour of worship and praise. 
    Format and organization are very important when you consider that the visitor stands on his feet for an hour while sharing with the inmates.  It might seem like a tall task with all eyes on you but you would be surprised just how fast an hour goes by.  Since the beginning of this ministry experience I have always tried to follow in the footsteps of my jail ministry mentors by providing the full worship experience.
    The visit starts with taking prayer requests and praises.  This is important to me because I want those inmates to know I will be praying for them long after I leave the jail on that Saturday morning.  We then dive into the Scripture which is simply sharing God’s Word and allowing Him to speak through you to the inmates.  About five to ten minutes before it is time to go, I lead an invitation for those who want to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior or rededicate their lives to Him.  At the end we all hold hands and sing “Amazing Grace” before closing in prayer.
    It is difficult to recall the first time I took a floor by myself.  It happens at different times for different volunteers.  You start out observing and sharing a little here and there during your initial visits with your partner.  Before you know it, you are taking a floor solo and leading the worship and praise hour.


It was always a thrill getting the opportunity to tackle someone on the football field as I played football growing up.  It was a physical task that required a certain amount of strength to bring the ball carrier to the ground.  Even though there was a high level of excitement, the ball carrier would get back up and he would inevitably get tackled all over again.  It is the circle of life when it comes to playing football.  The ball is snapped and the person with the ball either scores a touchdown or gets tackled.
    Let’s draw a parallel to leading someone to the Lord.  Have you ever thought about the impact you can have on a person’s life when you allow God to use you to tackle their soul?  Think of the number of souls currently hovering between going to heaven or hell at this very moment.  How many of those lost souls are behind bars waiting for someone to invite them to begin a personal relationship with Christ?                  
    The difference between tackling a person and their soul is that when a person confesses Christ to be their Lord and Savior, the ramifications of that tackle are eternal.  They do not just simply get back up like the ball carrier and carry on business as usual.  Something magnificent and life changing has just taken place!  All their sins have been forgiven, eternal salvation is secure in heaven and the Holy Spirit has taken residence in their heart, allowing them to be God’s hands and feet on this Earth.  This is what makes tackling souls so exciting for God’s kingdom!
    As I stepped into the freight elevator at the county jail on a Saturday morning like any other, a prayer to lead someone to Christ made earlier in the year was about to be answered.  The message to be shared with the four inmates attending the jail ministry visit on the second floor was “Being Called into Action like Moses.”  I had felt a strong desire to share with the inmates how it is never too late to follow God’s will and be courageous in your life.
    Moses was in his 80’s when God called him from the midst of the burning bush to lead the Israelites out of Egypt due to their intense oppression and suffering at the hands of the Egyptians.  He initially did not accept the call and had made several excuses.  In Exodus 3:11 Moses said “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”  God instantly assured Moses that He would be with him.  In Exodus 4:1 Moses said “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”  God immediately showed Moses two miracles he could perform through God.  He turned a rod into a serpent and then turned his hand as white as snow.  If needed, God would also allow Moses to turn water into blood.
    As if that wasn’t enough to move forward, Moses said in Exodus 4:10 “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”  God reminded Moses who created his mouth and told him He would teach Him what to say along the way.  After all excuses by Moses were exhausted, he simply said “O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else you may send” (Exodus 4:13).  This did not please the Lord and the Bible actually says “the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses” (Exodus 4:14).
    The Associate Pastor at my church recently preached a message on “Building Up God’s House” and said something that appears to be very relevant not only to what was happening to Moses but also in our everyday lives.  He said “Answer the calls of God and not the whispers of the devil.”  I can just picture the devil whispering every excuse he could think of to tell Moses why he should not be the one to take this journey.  As the excuses mounted, God had an answer for Moses every time and His perfect Word has answers to our excuses when He is calling us into action.
    As I was sharing this story with the inmates and we were about to talk about the 180 degree turn Moses took to follow God’s calling, something very interesting happened in the jail.  The inmates started looking over my shoulder because there was an agitated inmate the detention officers were trying to calm down in his cell.  He kept saying “I need to see the preacher; I need to see the preacher!” 
    I’m going to have to be honest with you.  When this was all taking place, even though I felt protected by the hands of God, there was a small part of me that thought about what would happen if that inmate got out of his cell.  If he came rumbling and stumbling down that corridor, I would have no other choice but to tackle him.  Even though that thought crossed my mind, I continued to preach God’s Word.  I told the inmates the reason that inmate was making such a fuss was because the devil was doing all he could do to prevent them from hearing His perfect Word.  The last thing he wanted was these inmates to succumb to the call of Christ on their hearts and forever be changed.
    As I proceeded with the message, I talked about how God told Moses he would send Aaron the Levite to assist him in helping lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  Moses finally responded to the call of God.  In Exodus 4:18 it says “So Moses went and returned to Jethro his father-in-law and said to him, “Please let me go and return to my brethren who are in Egypt and see whether they are still alive.” 
    Moses gained confidence as he continued to walk through the doors God was opening for him to be obedient.  He went from being fearful to fearless as he is later found in Exodus 32:11 pleading with God to spare the Israelites from utter destruction for not obeying His commandments and for worshipping false idols.  The amazing thing is that God answered Moses prayer and decided against destroying the Israelites.
    As the hour drew to a close in the jail, I looked each inmate in the eyes and asked them if they remembered a specific time in their life when they professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  As heads started to shake left and right and tears began to fall, I asked them if they wanted to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior today.  Three out of the four men received Christ into their heart and the fourth inmate rededicated his life.  After those decisions were made and a heartfelt prayer was sent up to Almighty God, it was so silent you could have heard a pin drop.  The inmate making all that noise in the back cell earlier was quieter than a mouse because it was too late to hold back three souls from an eternity in heaven any longer.     
    A prayer at the beginning of the year to lead one soul to Christ was answered beyond my wildest imagination in the most unexpected setting.  Confidence and courage were growing within me to tell others about the good news of Jesus Christ.  I’m reminded of Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.”  The upcoming opportunities and stories about to unfold are proof that “when you make much of Jesus, He will make much of you.”                               

Discussion Questions

1)   Are you open to God potentially calling you to some area of ministry in your local church?  Some examples are teaching a Sunday school class, assisting with the children’s ministry, singing in the choir or volunteering with your local jail ministry.

2)   Do you remember a specific time in your life when you professed Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior?  If not, do you want to receive Him into your heart today?  If so, please pray this suggested prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, I know I am a sinner and do not deserve eternal life.  But, I believe You died and rose from the grave to purchase a place in Heaven for me.  Lord Jesus, come into my life; take control of my life; forgive my sins and save me.  I repent of my sins and now place my trust in You for my salvation.  I accept the free gift of eternal life.”

If you have sincerely prayed this prayer to God, you are saved and a new creation through Christ.  The life long journey of growing closer to Christ has just begun.  If you would like to receive some information on building on this new relationship with Christ, please email me at and I will send you a personal tract in the mail to help you get started.    

3)   Have you ever shared your faith in Christ with another person?  If not, what is stopping you?  Does the thought of tackling a soul for God’s Kingdom get you excited?

4)   Does the story of Moses encourage you that it is never too late to follow God’s will and be courageous in your life?

5)   How often have you answered the calls of God compared to listening to the whispers of the devil?  What excuses are you making that can be answered through God’s perfect Word?


Chapter 3: Walking Through Doors God Opens (Even If They Lock Behind You) By Steve Shropshire

Fact: The cost to incarcerate an inmate for one year in the State of North Carolina is $27,000.

Remember the prisoners as if chained with them.
                                                               - HEBREWS13:3a

God does not call the equipped, He equips the called.
                                                               - Dr. Erwin Lutzer

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words…of him the Son of Man will be ashamed” (Mark 8:38).  As a Christian who struggled with witnessing to others, this verse would often come to my mind and challenge me to be more outspoken about my faith in Jesus Christ.  Whether it was from fear of rejection or fear of being viewed as weird or uncool, sharing my beliefs with others was something that I was just not comfortable with.
    I began to pray that God would give me the courage to be a bold witness for Him.  I assumed that the answer to this prayer would result in me being able to talk to friends more openly about my faith or witness to strangers as opportunities were presented.  I could have never imagined what God had in store for me.            
    Miguel called me in July 2009 to invite me and my wife to a new Sunday school class that he was going to begin teaching.  We accepted his invitation and were quickly amazed at his infectious enthusiasm for winning souls for Christ.  I have been blessed to know many great Christians in my life, all of whom had various spiritual gifts such as wisdom, leadership, discernment, and encouragement, but I have never met anyone with such a passion for reaching the lost.  Evangelism (Ephesians 4:11) is a spiritual gift that seems to require other gifts.  It goes without saying that you won’t be a very effective witness if you don’t have the ability to discern truth from error.  Miguel’s ability to rightly divide God’s word, coupled with his gift of evangelism, has made him an unbelievably effective ambassador for Christ.
    Once per month, Miguel came to class with an update of how God was using him to change lives at the Greensboro jail.  He would tell us how many inmates had chosen to attend his session and how many had responded to the call of Christ or rededicated their lives to Him.  He always stressed the fact that these men would be released from jail at some point and if they had truly received Christ into their hearts, their lives and the lives of their family members would be vastly different.
After hearing Miguel talk about his experiences at the jail, I remember thinking that his work there was admirable, but since I had never taught a class, wrote a book, or preached a Sunday sermon as Miguel had, getting involved with the jail ministry wasn’t for me.  I was off the hook!  I didn’t have the spiritual gift of evangelism so I could just sit back and wait for a more suitable opportunity to serve.  The problem with that attitude is that we can always convince ourselves that we aren’t equipped for a certain task. While it is true that not everyone has the same gift, sometimes we give up too easily and assume that we don’t have a particular gift, especially if the gift in question requires us to step outside of our comfort zone.  Interestingly, during this time I listened to a sermon about being a witness by Dr. Erwin Lutzer from the Moody Church in Chicago and he had a quote that stuck with me: “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called”.  Great, there went my excuse!
    In December 2009, I asked Miguel if I could accompany him on his next trip to the jail.  I wasn’t interested in a long-term commitment and I certainly wasn’t prepared to speak to the inmates myself.       Speaking in front of an audience ranked just after dental surgery on my life’s “to do” list.  I simply wanted to tag along for the experience.  Would there be a prison riot?  Would I be shanked with a sharpened tooth brush?  Would I see guys getting tattoos with an ink pen?  I didn’t know what to expect upon my first visit.  Needless to say, none of those things happened.  Television and movies have a way of skewing our perception of prison.  While dangerous events do sometimes take place behind prison walls, I would say that boredom and monotony are by far the norm.
    One thing I fully expected to hear upon my first visit was a sob story from each inmate about how they were actually innocent and how unfair it was that they were in jail in the first place.  I guess I had seen The Shawshank Redemption one time too many.  The running theme in that movie was that everyone in jail is innocent.  In actuality, I heard quite the opposite from the 3 men we spoke to that day.  All three told us that they had accepted Christ earlier in their lives but drifting away from Him had resulted in their incarceration.  I was stunned by their honesty and impressed with the fact that they placed the blame for their problems directly on their own shoulders.  Each of the three rededicated their lives to Christ that day.  I have no way of knowing whether or not they were sincere and the nature of these visits doesn’t lend itself to personal follow-up with each inmate, but Miguel and I had done our part.  It was now in God’s hands.  When you realize that your responsibility is to plant the seed, not make it grow, witnessing becomes a somewhat less overwhelming endeavor.


If you are considering getting involved in jail ministry, you may have several fears that are holding you back.  Following is a list of some of these fears with ways in which they can be overcome.

I am not a Bible scholar and I may not be able to answer all of the questions that the inmates may ask.   First of all, keep in mind that you prepare the lesson that you will present to the inmates during your visit.  This allows you to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the scripture that you will cover and research any difficult areas prior to your visit.  From my experience, the inmates don’t ask many questions and the ones that they do ask are very practical in nature, rather than being deep theological questions.  For instance, inmates may ask how they can better control their temper or deal with the inevitable boredom of prison life.  They may also have basic questions about the gospel or forgiveness, but these are questions that most Christians can easily answer.  You should also keep in mind that the Holy Spirit often helps you in tough situations by helping you recall relevant scripture or past experiences that may help answer a question.  Finally, if you are completely stumped, you can tell the inmate that you will have the jail chaplain follow up with him in order to further discuss the issue.

I can’t speak for an hour; I’ll never have enough to say.  This was one of the biggest fears I had to overcome.  I realized, though, that you have to let the Bible speak for you.  For example, the first time I spoke to the inmates alone was the day before Easter.  I read to them the Gospel of Mark’s account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, His betrayal by Judas, His crucifixion, and ultimately His resurrection.  After then talking to the inmates about the significance of these events, our time was up.  You should keep in mind that you really don’t even get a full hour.  By the time you wait for the inmates to be brought to the holding cell, complete the paperwork stating which inmates attended, and take prayer requests, you usually have about 40 minutes to speak with them.  The time passes much more quickly than you would think.
    During another visit, I spoke to the inmates about forgiveness.  We talked about Romans 3:10 which says that “there is none righteous, no, not one”.  Because of this, we all need God’s forgiveness for our sins so that we can enter into His presence when we die.  Acts 13:38-39 tells us that “through this Man (Jesus) is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him everyone who believes is justified”.  1 John 1:9 also tells us that “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  Sometimes, I think inmates struggle with whether they can be forgiven for some of the sins they have committed in their lives.  This is when we need to remind them that the Bible does not say that “some” sins will be forgiven or “little” sins can be forgiven, but “ALL” sins will be forgiven if we confess them.
     Good examples to use here are the lives of Paul and David.  Paul was persecuting Christians when God called him to repentance and forgave his sins.  David was guilty of adultery and murder but was forgiven as well.  These examples help inmates realize that their sins can also be forgiven and they serve as a lesson to those of us involved in jail ministry that what we are doing is a worthy endeavor.  God could be using us to reach an inmate that will go on to do great things for His kingdom.
    Keep in mind that some of your time during each visit should be used to explain the Gospel.  Even if the inmates have heard it before, we can never be reminded enough that we were all born sinners and that the only way to be reconciled to God is by placing your trust in Jesus Christ.  You can never be “good enough” on your own.  You can go to church every week, volunteer at your local homeless shelter, and help little old ladies cross the street, but those good deeds, in and of themselves, will never be sufficient.
    The consequence of not accepting Christ is severe.  Hell may not be a popular topic with many in the world today, but the Bible teaches that it is a real place, that it lasts for eternity, and that it is reserved for those who reject God.  Eternity is a tough concept for the human mind to grasp but I’ve heard it described by the following example: Imagine a bird charged with the task of moving every grain of sand, one by one, from the east coast of the United States to the west coast.  The bird would have to fly day and night for millions of years in order to complete the job.  Even after all of those years had passed, it would be like eternity is just getting started!  You have to ask yourself: Is there anything on earth worth trading your eternal soul for?  The answer is clearly no. 

What if an inmate asks: “How can a loving God allow evil and suffering in the world?” or “Why do bad things happen to me”?  This is one of those deep questions that may not be asked often, but since many inmates have had a life filled with “bad things”, this may be a question that is on the mind of many of them.
    Although this is a really difficult question to answer, we must remember that since the fall of man, we all live under the curse of sin, which results in evil and suffering.  God is sovereign, so it is within His power to eliminate these things.  That He chooses not to do so should help us realize that He has a purpose in them.  Romans 5:3-4 may give us an idea of that purpose as Paul writes that “we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character; and character, hope”.  From this it is evident that God may use trials to help us grow stronger in our faith and dependence on Him as well as help us develop other aspects of our Christian character.  James 1:2-3 says that we should “count it all joy when we fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience”.  We should also keep Isaiah 55:9 in mind where it says that “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts”.  We must realize that we may not always understand God’s ways, but if you are a Christian, you can rest assured that “all things work together for good” in your life (Romans 8:28).  After you make it through a difficult time, you can often look back later and see just how God was using that particular issue to further shape your Christian character.

The Muslim influence in prison is strong. What if I get asked why I should believe the claims of Jesus as opposed to those of Muhammad or some other religious leader?   As I’ve heard Miguel often say, you can visit the grave of every religious leader that has ever lived except one, and that One is Jesus Christ.  He was crucified and buried yet rose again three days later, proving His divinity and worthiness to be our Savior.  No other religious leader can claim such a victory over the grave.
We know that these events took place because they are recorded in the Bible.  As Ravi Zacharias says, we can trust the Bible because it is a work consisting of 66 books, by over 40 authors, written over a period of 1,500 years and it all points to the person of Jesus Christ.  This harmony among so many people over so many years proves that the Bible ultimately has one source, and that source is God Himself.  Further evidence of the resurrection is contained in 1 Corinthians 15:6 where Paul explains that Jesus was seen by over 500 witnesses after he rose from the dead.  This gives us even more confidence in its truth!
It should be noted that just because I volunteer my time to talk with inmates about the gospel, I do not pity them for the position they are in nor do I think they have been treated unfairly or harshly because they are in jail.  They have been locked up for a reason and they each need to pay their debt to society.  My concern is not for their physical incarceration but for their bondage to sin.  Those chains can easily be broken though, if they accept Christ as their Savior.
Some may wonder if ministering to inmates is a waste of time by thinking that these men are a lost cause who have passed the point of redemption.  We should all be reminded that Jesus could have said the same about each of us when we were in darkness.  Before God, we are all sinners and it is only through His grace and mercy that any of us have been brought out of that darkness.  We should also remember that every human life is infinitely valuable because we have all been created in the image of God.  This fact alone should help us realize the importance of ministering to these men. Their lives have value. 
I will leave you with one important thought.  It comes from Dr. Del Tackett in his series The Truth Project.  He says that “You have never met a mere mortal”.  He explains that everyone you work with, sit next to on an airplane, or pass on the street has an immortal soul that will live forever in heaven or hell.  If we keep this in mind, we will all be more effective in carrying out the Great Commission.

Discussion Questions

         1)   How does the fact that “you have never met a mere mortal” impact your willingness to  share the Gospel with others?  What fears or concerns are currently keeping you from doing so?

         2)  After reading about what God did in the life of Paul, do you have a person in your life that you feel would never become a Christian?  If yes, read about Paul again!  Otherwise, think about ways in which you can share the Gospel with that person.

         3)  Think of something bad that you have gone through in your life and list ways in which God may have been using that issue to help you grow as a Christian.

         4)  What issues or fears are holding you back from doing the things that God may be calling you to do?  List ways in which those issues can be overcome.

         5)  If you are not a Christian, are you allowing certain sins in your life to keep you separated from God?  Things that you feel you just can’t give up?  Are those things worth trading your eternal soul for?  Put your faith in Jesus Christ and ask Him to help you give up your old ways.
